Home is Where the Art Is

Extended-Day and Elementary students collaborated on artwork inspired by Ted Harrison and Chinese Brush painting for our Home is Where the Art Is auction.  We look forward to seeing everyone at Anchor Point for at Talent Show and Auction! All proceeds from the auction will go to the Student’s Enrichment Fund. Admission will be a bottle of wine per family and/or a donation to the Student’s Enrichment Fund. All of our community and friends are invited!

Below are our main pieces up for bidding!


Montessorian MVP

We’re often asked what happens when Montessori kids grow up. Well, did any of you follow this year’s NBA playoffs? The MVP, who some consider to be the greatest shooter in NBA history is… a Montessori child! Check out Stephen Curry’s video below:

Some other publicly known Montessori students include:

  • Devi Sridhar – Youngest-ever American Rhodes scholar, author, oxford research fellow, oxford lecturer on global health politics
  • Joshua Bell, American violinist and subject of a Pulitzer prize-winning media story
  • Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com
  • Dr. Terry Brazelton, noted pediatrician and published author on child psychology
  • Sergey Brin and Larry Page, co-founders of Google
  • Will Wright, designer of The Sims video games
  • George Clooney, Academy Award-winning actor
  • Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton
  • Dakota Fanning, Actress
  • Taylor Swift, Singer/Songwriter
  • Beyonce, Singer
  • David Blaine, Magician
  • John and Joan Cusack – Actor and screenwriter, and Academy award-nominated actress, respectively
  • Julia Child, first world-famous television chef
  • Anne Frank, renowned World War II diarist
  • Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Austrian painter and architect
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nobel Prize winner for Literature
  • Katherine Graham, owner-editor of The Washington Post
  • Prince William and Prince Harry, sons of Charles, Prince of Wales
  • Helen Hunt, Academy Award-winning actress
  • Helen Keller, Political activist, author, lecturer, awarded the presidential medal of freedom, one of gallup’s most widely admired people of the 20th century
  • Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, former editor, former first lady

Here are some thoughts on Montessori by Steve Wozniak (co-founder, Apple), Larry Page and Sergey Brin (founders, Google).

Others connections with Montessori:

  • Alexander Graham Bell, noted inventor, provided financial support directly to Dr. Montessori, helped establish the first Montessori class in Canada and one of the first in the United States
  • Bruno Bettelheim, noted psychologist/author, was married to a Montessori teacher
  • Thomas Edison, noted scientist and inventor, helped found a Montessori school
  • Erik Erikson, anthropologist/author, had a Montessori teaching certificate
  • Mahatma Ghandi, political and spiritual leader of India for human rights and non-violence
  • Jean Piaget, noted Swiss psychologist, made his first observations of children in a Montessori school
  • Mister Rogers, children’s TV personality, strong supporter of Montessori education
  • President Wilson’s daughter trained as a Montessori teacher. There was a Montessori classroom in the basement of the White House during Wilson’s presidency.

Move Over, Mean Girls

It turns out that young teen boys may actually be more cruel, according to a recent study from the University of Georgia.

Interestingly, the study found that students from sixth to eighth grades – the Mean Tween years – had the highest levels of physical and relational aggression. Is it any wonder why Montessori pedagogy supports a specific educational environment for these young teens?

The Montessori adolescent program recognizes the challenges found at this stage of development. It responds by providing young teens with the opportunity to focus and guide their intense feelings (and drive) into the building of positive relationships through directly interacting with the dynamic energy of the earth – soil, water, fire and wind as well as the life that dwells on it. As they work with the earth, they are nurtured by it.

buiding a fire

LGMS adolescents and Upper El students in Moab, Utah