Education between the ages of six to twelve is not a direct continuation of that which has gone before, though it is built upon that basis. Psychologically there is a decided change in personality, and we recognize that nature has made this a period for the acquisition of culture, just as the former was for the absorption of the environment.
– Maria Montessori, To Educate the Human Potential
According to Maria Montessori, children at this “second stage of development” (between the ages of 6 to 12) should be given the opportunity to work together as one community to allow for true mentorship and apprenticeship to occur. Unlike the first and third “planes of development“, this particular stage is not divided into 3-year sub-phases. As such, our elementary program is not divided into separate “Lower” and “Upper” elementary classes because the best mentor for a 7 year old is often not a child who is 1 or 2 years older, but rather, a child who might be 5 years older!
The elementary child is characterized by a deep sense of wonder, a questioning mind, the ability to abstract and imagine, a curiosity for moral and social orientation, and an unlimited energy for research. The elementary facility, set in such a manner, complements these characteristics, and nurtures the child’s intellectual, physical, artistic, social and academic abilities. Children at this age are also driven to understand the universe and their place in it. By studying subjects in an interrelated manner, the children are able to assimilate knowledge from various aspects of the curriculum with the “big picture” in mind. Deep exploration of each subject area is encouraged, culminating in field studies with visits to research labs, factories, orchards, ecological reserves, as well as interviews with professionals and experts. This inclusive approach to education fosters a feeling of connectedness to all of humanity and encourages our students’ natural desire to make contributions to our world.
Integral to the Montessori philosophy of education beyond the four walls of the classroom is the “Going Out”. Our classroom resources are deliberately restricted so as to necessitate the need for our students to “go out” in search of information or supplies for the completion of a project. Initiated, organized, and carried out by the students themselves, these outings may take the form of visits to offices, universities, hospitals, museums, galleries, stores, places of worship and any place where experts and experiences can be made available for students to explore in-depth, their topic of study while providing the opportunity for them to practice their research, social and self-reliant skills.
Our students attended their first Montessori Model United Nations conference in New York City in 2011. Since then, students have participated every two years (except when travel restrictions were in place due to COVID19). Amongst over 2,000 other Montessori students from around the world, they explored, debated, sought consensus to pertinent issues affecting our world, and voted on proposed resolutions in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations Headquarters. On their 2015 trip, they capped off their journey with a visit to Philadelphia and Washington, DC – and were even treated to a bowling and pizza party at the (White House) Truman Lanes. Sights explored also included a visit to Mount Vernon, and Old Town Alexandria. Our students returned home with a deeper appreciation for US/Canadian relations and history as well as a greater perspective on the settlement of this continent by early European explorers. Last school year, the Upper Elementary students traveled to Rome, Italy for the MMUN conference where they presented their resolutions at the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) headquarters. It’s our hope that these experiences will lead to deeper insights about the world community to which they belong.
During the preschool years, the child has acquired the beginning literacy of letters, numbers, and writing. In the elementary years, these basic skills are polished in a meaningful context. Lessons given by trained Montessori Guides direct the students toward activities that help them develop their reasoning minds and learn the arts of life.

Pastel Art by Lower Elementary Students
The elementary program is housed at our Anchor Point campus. Its proximity to the city parks, beaches, art galleries, museums and other amenities such as the Aquatic Center and Central Library allows us to directly connect our students to their home community, enriching and extending their educational experience beyond the traditional classroom walls.
In addition to meeting the British Columbia provincial and Montessori education curriculum content requirements (Language, Math, Science, Geometry, History, Geography, Art and Music), students attending our elementary program also participate in French and Mandarin lessons as well as a variety of Physical Education activities including soccer, martial arts, dance, swimming, yoga, and tennis.
Snack consisting of organic fruits, vegetables and cereal is provided by the school. A Hot Lunch Program is available to our elementary students served family-style. Students also periodically participate in the cooking of their own group lunch.
After School Club students participate in a variety of activities such as outdoor play, art, crafts, cooking as well as cultural and science studies. Older students also have the option of continuing with work that they’ve started in class such as projects, assignments, etc. Parents have the option of signing up for terms (Fall, Winter, and Spring) 2 to 5 days a week.
- Elementary Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm
- After-school Club Hours: 4:15pm to 5:30pm