
Update for Week Ending March 20th

We hope you enjoyed a safe and relaxing Spring Break – See you all back Monday, March 23!​

  • 2nd Term Progress Reports for Kindergarten and Up: Kindly return a signed copy of your child/ren’s Progress Report back to the school upon our return from Spring Break on Monday, March 23rd. Please do not hesitate to contact your child/ren’s ​teachers should you have any questions.
    •  Ms. Caroline re-joined our staff on a part-time basis this past year (from maternity leave), and after much consideration, will be resuming her role as full-time mother so as to spend as much time with her daughter during these precious early years. Please join us in wishing Ms. Caroline and her family complete happiness!

MMUN – We will be holding one last MMUN meeting Monday, March 23rd before departure to discuss protocol for the conference as well as visits to the White House in DC. Please ensure your child attends school in the morning. MMUN students have the option of early dismissal at noon. Students wishing to participate in the Cultural Performance should travel with their musical instruments. MMUN uniforms were sent home with the exception of those on order. Please ensure these are packed along with your “school spirit” items. Kind thanks to the Quinn family for their generous donation towards the purchase of additional uniforms!

Update for Week Ending March 6th

​​The school is closed for Spring Break from March 9th to 20th​.

See you all back Monday, March 23 and don’t forget to Spring Forward – Sunday, March 8!​

  • 2nd Term Progress Reports for Kindergarten and Up: Kindly return a signed copy of your child/ren’s Progress Report back to the school upon our return from Spring Break on Monday, March 23rd. Please do not hesitate to contact your child/ren’s ​teachers should you have any questions.
  • Book Sale & Swap at North Creek and Anchor Point: Kind thanks to all families who participated. We now have some wonderful new additions to our class libraries!
  • ​​Elementary Workshop for Parents by AMI Elementary Montessori Trainer, Greg MacDonald – Montessori Across the Planes: From Birth To Adulthood, March 2nd, 4:30pm: ​ What a way to kick off the last week of school before Spring Break! Warm thanks to all parents who took the time to join us for this insightful presentation on Montessori. Special thanks to the PSG for their generous contribution in helping sponsor this visit!


Kindly submit any outstanding forms and payments by dropping them off through the Anchor Point mail slot by Wednesday, March 11th. We will be holding one last MMUN meeting Monday, March 23rd before departure to discuss protocol for the conference as well as visits to the White House in DC. Please ensure your child attends school in the morning. MMUN students have the option of early dismissal at noon. Students wishing to participate in the Cultural Performance should travel with their musical instruments. MMUN uniforms were sent home with the exception of those on order. Please ensure these are packed along with your “school spirit” items. Kind thanks to the Quinn family for their generous donation towards the purchase of additional uniforms!