
Update for Week Ending May 4th

Bake and Yard Sale to help Shree Mangal Dvip Schools in Nepal – Tuesday, May 12th: On May 12th, Tuesday, we are having a bake/yard sale to help raise money for our sponsored student Tenzin Chodel’s school in Nepal. Please take a minute to go over Shree Mangal Dvip Schools by clicking here. A dollar goes a long way in Nepal, so every little bit that we can do would be a huge help. Please bring in some baked goods ready to sell, and drop them off at Anchor Point on the day of the sale. Let us know by email ( if you are planning on contributing so we can be prepared. If you don’t bake, or would just rather eat the yummy treats, then send some money with your child/ren to go shopping! As a community, we will also be baking at school to support the sale. In addition to treats, we will also have some items for sale by donation such as: computer monitors, tables, etc. Baked goods always make people smile…so remember you can buy them for your friends and neighbours too.

Nepal Volunteering – OpenStreetMap (OSM) Tasking Manager: Mapping technology has become an increasingly useful tool for humanitarian aid. As a community, we can help Nepal by locating and identifying buildings and dwellings that were captured by aerial imagery before the earthquake. In this way, a comparison can be made between the urban landscape before and after the event, allowing for more efficient and effective allocation of resources and aid. For more information on how OSM is used by aid organizations, click here. To help out with mapping buildings, settlements, waterways, etc., click here. For further information about OSM Tasking Manager and tutorials on how to use it, click here.

Observation ​W​eek: ​The spring observation week is scheduled from May 11th to 14th.​​
​If you haven’t sign up for a time slot, please email your child’s teacher(s_ and we will find a slot that best accommodate you.

Mother’s Day Orchids Fundraiser: Out traditional Mother’s Day celebration will be held at your child’s respective school on Friday, May 8th. The LGMS Parent Support Group is organizing an Orchid Fundraiser for that special date. Orchids will come in 6″ ceramic pots for $20 each. All net proceeds from sale will go towards enrichment activities at North Creek and Anchor Point. More information and details about the event coming soon!​

Child’s Run: At this year’s Child Run, we will be dedicating our efforts to Sliva, our student from North Creek who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Please join us in our fight against childhood cancer by participating in the Child Run on Sunday, May 31st at Queen Elizabeth Park. To register as part of our school team, click here. The deadline to register in our school team is May 4th. To visit our fundraising page and support us, click here.

​Aiming Towards a Waste-Free Lunch: The students have begun an initial trash audit to determine the type, amount, and sources of school waste, and additional audits will happen at regular intervals to assess the effect of any changes that have been implemented. Students will then compare their data results and will post the audit results in the school and​ on the school website. Teaching young people the knowledge, skills, and values of active environmental citizenship is a crucial component of education in the 21st century. The challenge is to teach basic concepts while nurturing children`s respect for and stewardship of the natural world. For more information please visit .

PD Day and Victoria Day: This is a friendly reminder that our next Professional Development day is Friday, May 15th. Also, Monday, May 18th is Victoria Day. There will be no school for students on these days.


Hip Hop Lessons – Adolescents: Students have begun their lessons! They walk together to the Scotiabank Theatre (677 Davie Street, at Granville). Please drop off your child/ren no later than 8:45am to ensure a full hour of class with Mr. Yoshi. If you cannot make it to the school by 8:45am​, kindly drop off your child/ren at the Scotiabank Theatre directly. Please be sure to send a water bottle with your child/ren and ensure they dress appropriately as it is quite warm inside the dance center.

​Tennis Lessons: We are pleased to offer the adolescents students the opportunity to participate in Tennis Lessons, commencing May 5th, to be held at the David Lam East Tennis Courts. The lessons are scheduled on the following Tuesdays: May 5th, May 12th, May 19th May 26th, June 2nd and June 9th, from 2pm to 3pm. Please note that some racquets are available, but it is recommended that children bring their own. Please ensure tour child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle. Please submit your child’s permission form by Friday, May 1st.​ In the event of rain, tennis will be cancelled.​

Basketball Lessons: We are pleased to offer the Anchor Point students the opportunity to participate in Basketball Lessons, commencing May 7th​, to be held at the David Lam Park Courts​​. The lessons are scheduled on the following Thursdays: May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th, June 4th and June 11th, from 12pm to 3pm. Kindly note that some balls are available, but students may also bring their own if they have it. Please ensure tour child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle.​ The adolescents lessons are scheduled for 12:45pm to 1:30pm.​ Please submit your child’s permission form by Friday, May 1st.​

Mother’s Day Celebration, Friday, May 8th:​​ Join us for our traditional Mother’s Day Tea and be serenaded by your children at Anchor Point! Moms and students will enjoy a​delightful  afternoon tea with baking from the​ all students at Anchor Point. To confirm your attendance, kindly RSVP​  by Tuesday, May 6th.Time: 3:00-3:45pm – door opens at 2:45 for the parents.


Tennis Lessons: We are pleased to offer Anchor Point students the opportunity to participate in Tennis Lessons, commencing April 10th. There are held at David Lam Park, East Tennis Courts. The lessons are scheduled on the following dates: April 17th, April 24th, May 1st, May 22nd, and May 29th, from 12pm to 2pm.​​

Please note that some racquets are available, but it is recommended that children bring their own. If your child is attending the half-day program at AP (both am and pm) and wish to participate, we will be able to accommodate them.  Please ensure tour child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle. We are also planning to have a picnic with the children at the park, so please pack a lunch that doesn’t require heating up. The morning half day children will stay with the Anchor Point students for the whole day and should picked up at that location at dismissal. The afternoon half day children will be picked up from North Creek after lunch and walk to the park to join the lessons. Dismissal will be as usual at Anchor Point. In the event of rain, tennis will be cancelled. ​

​Basketball Lessons: We are pleased to offer the Anchor Point students the opportunity to participate in Basketball Lessons, commencing May 7th to be held at the courts David Lam Park courts. The lessons are scheduled on the following Thursdays: May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th, June 4th and June 11th, from 12pm to 3pm. Please note that some balls are available, but it is recommended that children bring their own if they have it. Please ensure your child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle. The lessons will be given as schedule below. Should you wish to enroll your child in this lesson, please fill in the attached form and submit it back to the school by Friday, May 1st.

Upper Elementary ► 12pm to 12:45pm

Lower Elementary (Grades K-1) ► 1:30pm to 2:15pm

Lower Elementary (Grades 2-3) ► 2:15pm to 3pm

Talent Show​ -​ Wednesday​,  June 17th, 2015: We are pleased to announce our annual Talent Show, to be held on the evening of Wednesday, June 17th, at the Roundhouse Community Centre. In the weeks to come, Anchor Point students will be busy preparing for this student-led event. Students wishing to perform should fill out a submission form and hand it​in as soon as possible. Performances should be no more than 4 minutes in length. Students may wish to collaborate on group performances, or combine shorter performances to create “medleys”. Students who do not wish to perform are encouraged to take on other roles, such as host, usher, photographer, audio-visual crew, etc. Sign-up sheets for these positions​ have been posted at school.


​​North Creek Parent/Child Workshop – Thursday, May 14th: This is a time for your child to show you some of the work they have been doing at school. It is an after school event with your child. The evening runs under a preassigned schedule, with different groups of families attending at a time. The schedule is posted by the door and an invitation for the event will follow. Please check if the time slot you have for the event works for you. If you prefer a different time slot, please let a teacher know and it will be accommodated.​​

Signing up the flower donations for the flower arrangement: We’d like to ask you to sign up the flower donations on the sheet displayed at the door. Flower Arranging is an important exercise in our Practical Life area and very popular with the children. With your cooperation, we can help our children develop aesthetic sense and care for their environment. Thank you.

Hot Lunch Program for Extended-Day Students: Extended-day students will make hot lunch together once a week, every Wednesday​ in April​.​ Children who attend the half-day program at AP (both am and pm) can order!​ ​*Note: The hot lunch day will be changed to Thursday from May onward in order to accommodate children’s availability. ​

​Scholastic Order:  The Forms for the Scholastic Order for May is in front of the school door. If you are interested, please hand in the form by April 24th, Friday. Thank you.

​​Hot weather: As the weather gets warmer, please remember to send your child with applied sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.​

​Update for Garden Volunteers: Students at North Creek have started to grow seedlings for Spring! Kale, broccoli, sweet corn, basil, and pepper seeds have been planted. Kindly ​email us at northcreek@ if you are interested in helping us prepare the garden. We’ll be sharing our volunteer rota with you shortly.

​Work Folders: Kindly return your child’s work folders to school​.
We’d love to ensure work is taken home for your viewing pleasure in your child’s personal waterproof sleeve.​

​​Punctuality Reminder:  ​Please ​en​sure punctual arrival during drop-off ​as
late arrival​s​ ​are very disruptive to the work​ of the whole class ​which becomes a huge obstacle for ​our ​children’s development. Thank you for your cooperation.

Safety Reminder: For safety reasons, please be cautious during drop-off and pick-up and encourage your child to walk and not run on the sidewalk.

General Parking Reminder:  Please be alerted that parking in front of the school is metered. Ticketing officers are quick in giving out tickets during drop-off and pick-up times!​

Labeling Reminder:  This is a friendly reminder to please label all of your child’s clothing, including scarves, hats, jackets, and shoes. Thank you!


Wondering what to do on weekends with your children? Here are some ideas below​:​

Free Family Day’s at the Contemporary Art Gallery – Saturday, April 25th and May 30th: Join the Contemporary Art Gallery (555 Nelson St, Vancouver) for all ages drop-in for short exhibition tours and free art making activities that respond to our current exhibitions.

SFU Science Rendezvous & Astronomy Day – Saturday, May 9th Simon Fraser University’s Burnaby Campus: They have lined up an exciting day full of engaging things to see and do involving science and astronomy from 11am to 4pm at the Academic Quadrangle 3000 level, South Concourse building. Interactive activities, crafts, science shows and talks on the Apollo missions and the Northern Lights will appeal to everyone. In celebration of the International Year of Light, they will have additional activities related to light. Free parking is available in the B lot and this event is free (registration is not necessary). The target audience is K-10 students and families. Some further information and a video can be found here.

Vancouver Symphony Kids Koncerts Presents Classical Kids: Beethoven Lives Upstairs – The Orpheum Theatre, Sunday, May 17th 2pm: Join conductor Gordon Gerrard, the VSO, and Classical Kids for Beethoven Lives Upstairs! The arrival of an eccentric boarder turns a young boy’s life upside down. Ludwig van Beethoven has moved in upstairs! At first Christoph resents their new tenant but slowly he comes to understand the genius of the man, the torment of his deafness and the beauty of his music. In the end he is won over by the music and true incidents from the great composer’s life, in Classical Kids’ most popular show! More information and tickets click here.

Burnaby Village Carousel Rides – Opening Day of the Summer season, Saturday May 2nd: Burnaby Village is working on several exciting ideas and activities for their summer season visitors. Stay tuned! In the meantime, from May 2nd to September 7th, their gates are open 11am to 4:30pm, Tuesday – Sunday (plus Holiday Mondays). Admission is free and carousel rides are $2.55. For more information, visit their website.

Vancouver International Children’s Festival – Granville Island, May 25th to 31st: The Vancouver International Children’s Festival is a world-renowned festival of performing arts for young audiences. Check out this year’s lineup. Tickets are now on sale! This year’s onsite activities include: circus skills, face painting, musical maze, musical playground, bicycle spin-art, string games, origami, twist & toddle, Wishing Tree and much more. More information, click here.


Update for Week Ending April 24th

Summer Program Registration: The preschool program will be held at North Creek from 9am to 12pm. The Elementary program will be held at Anchor Point from 9am to 4pm. The preschool extended-day program (only eligible for children turning 5 by December 31st 2015) will be held at North Creek in the morning, and Anchor Point in the afternoon. Thus, extended-day students will be dropped off at North Creek and picked up at Anchor Point. As usual, we will offer two three-week sessions when children will continue to work in the Montessori environment with enriched activities in Arts and Crafts; Music and Drama; and Science and Nature. The children will also participate in excursions to places and events that are related to the above themes.

​ ​If you are interested in registering your child/ren in our Summer Program, please fill out the registration form and submit it to school by May 1st, 2015.

Mother’s Day Orchids Fundraiser: Out traditional Mother’s Day celebration will be held at your child’s respective school on Friday, May 8th. The LGMS Parent Support Group is organizing an Orchid Fundraiser for that special date. Orchids will come in 6″ ceramic pots for $20 each. All net proceeds from sale will go towards enrichment activities at North Creek and Anchor Point. More information and details about the event coming soon!​

Child’s Run: At this year’s Child Run, we will be dedicating our efforts to Sliva, our student from North Creek who was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Please join us in our fight against childhood cancer by participating in the Child Run on Sunday, May 31st at Queen Elizabeth Park. To register as part of our school team, click here. The deadline to register in our school team is May 4th. To visit our fundraising page and support us, click here.

​Aiming Towards a Waste-Free Lunch: The students have begun an initial trash audit to determine the type, amount, and sources of school waste, and additional audits will happen at regular intervals to assess the effect of any changes that have been implemented. Students will then compare their data results and will post the audit results in the school and​ on the school website. Teaching young people the knowledge, skills, and values of active environmental citizenship is a crucial component of education in the 21st century. The challenge is to teach basic concepts while nurturing children`s respect for and stewardship of the natural world. For more information please visit .


Hip Hop Lessons – Adolescents: Students have begun their lessons! They walk together to the Scotiabank Theatre (677 Davie Street, at Granville). Please drop off your child/ren no later than 8:45am to ensure a full hour of class with Mr. Yoshi. If you cannot make it to the school by 8:45am​, kindly drop off your child/ren at the Scotiabank Theatre directly. Please be sure to send a water bottle with your child/ren and ensure they dress appropriately as it is quite warm inside the dance center.

​Tennis Lessons: We are pleased to offer the adolescents students the opportunity to participate in Tennis Lessons, commencing May 5th, to be held at the David Lam East Tennis Courts. The lessons are scheduled on the following Tuesdays: May 5th, May 12th, May 19th May 26th, June 2nd and June 9th, from 2pm to 3pm. Please note that some racquets are available, but it is recommended that children bring their own. Please ensure tour child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle. Please submit your child’s permission form by Friday, May 1st.​ In the event of rain, tennis will be cancelled.​

Basketball Lessons: We are pleased to offer the Anchor Point students the opportunity to participate in Basketball Lessons, commencing May 7th​, to be held at the David Lam Park Courts​​. The lessons are scheduled on the following Thursdays: May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th, June 4th and June 11th, from 12pm to 3pm. Kindly note that some balls are available, but students may also bring their own if they have it. Please ensure tour child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle.​ The adolescents lessons are scheduled for 12:45pm to 1:30pm.​ Please submit your child’s permission form by Friday, May 1st.​

Adolescents Field Trip to Science World – ​Wednesday, May 6th:  The students will be visiting Science World on Wednesday, May 6th​ to ​attend the Neuro Adventure workshop. Students will discover how neurons communicate with each other and will work together to test balance and hand-eye coordination, challenge each other in memorizing tasks and manipulate their heartbeat! We will aim to eat lunch​ at​ the park, weather permitting. Please ensure your child have a picnic bagged lunch that doesn’t require heating up. Weather conditions can change quickly and are often unpredictable regardless of the time of year. As a rule, prepare for all weather conditions. This field trip is partially being funded by the School’s Enrichment Fund. Please submit your child’s permission slip and payment no later than Friday, May 1st 2015.

Mother’s Day Celebration, Friday, May 8th:​​ Join us for our traditional Mother’s Day Tea and be serenaded by your children at Anchor Point! Moms and students will enjoy a​delightful  afternoon tea with baking from the​ all students at Anchor Point. To confirm your attendance, kindly RSVP​  by Tuesday, May 6th.Time: 3:00-3:45pm – door opens at 2:45 for the parents.

Pizza Mondays:​​ ​Please find the order form attached and submit it at your earliest convenience.
​​At this time, we are only taking orders from April 2​7​th onward. ​Thank you!​


Upper Elementary Field Trip to the Maritime Museum – Thursday, April 30th: The UE Anchor Point students will be visiting the Maritime Museum on Thursday, April 30th to attend the Arctic Explorer’s Program. The students​ will ​discover what it takes to become a successful Arctic explorer by examining explorers that were not successful and comparing them to those that were. Students will examine the experiences of Captain Henry Larsen and his crew aboard the famous RCMP vessel St. Roch and learn how the traditional knowledge and lifestyle of the Inuit could improve your chance of survival.​ Students will be eating lunch in the park, so please ensure your child​/ren​ have a picnic bagged lunch that doesn’t require heating up. Weather conditions can change quickly and are often unpredictable regardless of the time of year. As a rule, prepare for all weather conditions. Please submit your child’s permission slip and payment no later than Monday, April 27th 2015.

​Lower Elementary Field Trip to the Maritime Museum- Tuesday, May 5th: ​ The LE Anchor Point students will be visiting the Maritime Museum on Tuesday, May 5th​ ​to attend the Mountie Sailors and Arctic Communities​ Program.​ From 1928 to 1944 the RCMP vessel St. Roch spent much its time in the Arctic acting as a floating police station visiting remote Inuit communities. This famous vessel and her crew of Mounties were successful in their mission because of the skills, teamwork and relationships with the Inuit. While exploring the fully restored St. Roch, students will analyze the relationships between the Mounties, the Inuit and the animals in the Arctic that led to their successful voyage and their famous accomplishments. Please note that the Anchor Point half-day students (both am and pm) are eligible for this field trip.​Students
will be eating lunch in the park. Please ensure your child​/ren have a picnic bagged lunch that doesn’t require heating up. Weather conditions can change quickly and are often unpredictable regardless of the time of year. As a rule, prepare for all weather conditions. This field trip is being sponsored by the Parent Support Group so no payment is needed. However, please submit the permission slip attached no later than Friday, May 1st 2015.

Tennis Lessons: We are pleased to offer Anchor Point students the opportunity to participate in Tennis Lessons, commencing April 10th. There are held at David Lam Park, East Tennis Courts. The lessons are scheduled on the following dates: April 17th, April 24th, May 1st, May 22nd, and May 29th, from 12pm to 2pm.​​

Please note that some racquets are available, but it is recommended that children bring their own. If your child is attending the half-day program at AP (both am and pm) and wish to participate, we will be able to accommodate them.  Please ensure tour child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle. We are also planning to have a picnic with the children at the park, so please pack a lunch that doesn’t require heating up. The morning half day children will stay with the Anchor Point students for the whole day and should picked up at that location at dismissal. The afternoon half day children will be picked up from North Creek after lunch and walk to the park to join the lessons. Dismissal will be as usual at Anchor Point. In the event of rain, tennis will be cancelled. ​

​Basketball Lessons: We are pleased to offer the Anchor Point students the opportunity to participate in Basketball Lessons, commencing May 7th to be held at the courts David Lam Park courts. The lessons are scheduled on the following Thursdays: May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th, June 4th and June 11th, from 12pm to 3pm. Please note that some balls are available, but it is recommended that children bring their own if they have it. Please ensure your child/ren is dressed appropriately for the event and prepare a water bottle. The lessons will be given as schedule below. Should you wish to enroll your child in this lesson, please fill in the attached form and submit it back to the school by Friday, May 1st.

Upper Elementary ► 12pm to 12:45pm

Lower Elementary (Grades K-1) ► 1:30pm to 2:15pm

Lower Elementary (Grades 2-3) ► 2:15pm to 3pm

Band Students: ​Just a reminder that Band Class is held every Thursday afternoon.  Please ensure that your child remembers to bring their instrument to school on those days, as well as their music stand, book, and cleaning kit.

Talent Show​ -​ Wednesday​,  June 17th, 2015: We are pleased to announce our annual Talent Show, to be held on the evening of Wednesday, June 17th, at the Roundhouse Community Centre. In the weeks to come, Anchor Point students will be busy preparing for this student-led event. Students wishing to perform should fill out a submission form and hand it​in as soon as possible. Performances should be no more than 4 minutes in length. Students may wish to collaborate on group performances, or combine shorter performances to create “medleys”. Students who do not wish to perform are encouraged to take on other roles, such as host, usher, photographer, audio-visual crew, etc. Sign-up sheets for these positions​ have been posted at school.

Pizza Mondays: ​​At this time, we are only taking orders from April 2​7​th onward. ​Thank you!​


Hot Lunch Program for Extended-Day Students: Extended-day students will make hot lunch together once a week, every Wednesday​ in April​.​ Children who attend the half-day program at AP (both am and pm) can order!​ ​*Note: The hot lunch day will be changed to Thursday from May onward in order to accommodate children’s availability. ​

​Scholastic Order:  The Forms for the Scholastic Order for May is in front of the school door. If you are interested, please hand in the form by April 24th, Friday. Thank you.

​​Hot weather: As the weather gets warmer, please remember to send your child with applied sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.​

​Update for Garden Volunteers: Students at North Creek have started to grow seedlings for Spring! Kale, broccoli, sweet corn, basil, and pepper seeds have been planted. Kindly ​email us at northcreek@ if you are interested in helping us prepare the garden. We’ll be sharing our volunteer rota with you shortly.

​Work Folders: Kindly return your child’s work folders to school​.
We’d love to ensure work is taken home for your viewing pleasure in your child’s personal waterproof sleeve.​

​​Punctuality Reminder:  ​Please ​en​sure punctual arrival during drop-off ​as
late arrival​s​ ​are very disruptive to the work​ of the whole class ​which becomes a huge obstacle for ​our ​children’s development. Thank you for your cooperation.

Safety Reminder: For safety reasons, please be cautious during drop-off and pick-up and encourage your child to walk and not run on the sidewalk.

General Parking Reminder:  Please be alerted that parking in front of the school is metered. Ticketing officers are quick in giving out tickets during drop-off and pick-up times!​

Labeling Reminder:  This is a friendly reminder to please label all of your child’s clothing, including scarves, hats, jackets, and shoes. Thank you!


Wondering what to do on weekends with your children? Here are some ideas below​:​

Free Family Day’s at the Contemporary Art Gallery – Saturday, April 25th and May 30th: Join the Contemporary Art Gallery (555 Nelson St, Vancouver) for all ages drop-in for short exhibition tours and free art making activities that respond to our current exhibitions.

Science World New Exhibition: Animation – February 7th to April 26th: Explore how art, math, science and technology come together in the excicinting work of animation. In Animation’s stimulating and fun environment, visitors will explore the process of animation from concept to finished product – from storyboarding, character design and drawing techniques to movement, timing, filming and sound. Larger-than-life graphics of popular Cartoon Network characters provide a colourful backdrop to the exhibition, which also explores the history of animation and features a screening room and a cartoon museum.

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival​ 2015 – Thursday, April ​2nd to​ Wednesday, April 29th: The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival story is one of romance. It is an annual celebration that marks the reawakening in our community of all that makes us alive and human.​ Please refer to the detailed event calendar on the website to see what is happening this year.