
Friday, January 22, 2016

Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27 to raise awareness for the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development. Even just 15 minutes a day can improve a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and can help a parent improve their skills as well. Check out Barbara Reid’s (Honorary Chair of Family Literacy Day) favourite recommendations here!

Upcoming Important Dates to Remember
Wednesday, January 27th: Casa Community Parent Workshop (RSVP needed)
Wednesday, January 27th: Family Literacy Day
Wednesday, January 27th: February Hot Lunch Orders Deadline
Thursday, January 28th: Elementary Community Parent Workshop (RSVP needed)
Friday, January 29th: PD Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Monday, February 8th: Family Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Thursday, February 11th: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra for Kindergarten and Lower Elementary
Friday, February 26th: PD Day (NO SCHOOL for Students) *Please note, this date was not reflected in our original school calendar and has been added with permission from the Ministry of Education for teachers to learn more about the implementation of this province’s new curriculum, assessment, reporting and resources. For more information about the new curriculum standards, please visit:

Parent Workshop, Montessori Silent Journey of Discovery: Join us for our Montessori Silent Journey of Discovery! This is a special opportunity to interact in our classrooms as your children do – using the materials and practicing the lessons. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend both workshops:

Casa Community – Wednesday, January 27th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Elementary Community – Thursday, January 28th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm
RSVPs were due today. If you haven’t done so, please RSVP as soon as possible specifying which Workshop(s) you would like to attend and refrain from bringing your child/ren to the above workshops. We will be offering childcare options combined with our After School Club Program. Details on this will be sent out to registered families. Please let us know if you are interested in having your child/ren in childcare with Casa and/or Elementary Workshop on the subject line.

HOT LUNCH for FEBRUARY & MARCH: The deadlines below must be followed without exception in order for Choices to organize themselves and deliver the correct number of lunches. There is, however, flexibility when ordering pizza. Please let us know by Thursday of any week for an upcoming Pizza Monday and we’ll be happy to add/modify your child’s/children’s orders. Kindly let us know if you are ordering a small (single slice) or a large (2 slices) ​for your child as well as the type he/she would like (pepperoni or mozzarella).
​Orders for February – Deadline: Wednesday, January 27th 4pm
Order for March – Deadline: Wednesday, February 24th  4pm


“Hamelin” –  Friday, February 19th: After the success of our winter play “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, the Anchor Point Elementary students as well as the Extended day and Kindergarten children will extend their appreciation of theatre arts by attending the Axis Theatre Company”s play, “Hamelin” at the Waterfront Theatre (1412 Cartwright Street) on Granville Island. This musical retelling of the “Pied Piper” promises to entertain us with live music, songs, puppetry, and delivers a strong message about the importance of “keeping your word”. We will be taking the Aqua bus for this field trip, departing from Anchor Point at 9:50am. The show is approximately 50 minutes long, and we will return to the classroom at 12pm. Please check the weather on the day of the field trip and send your child to school with the appropriate clothing and footwear. Students will be eating lunch in the classroom later than usual, so please feel free to pack an extra snack for your child for this outing. Kindly submit the permission form no later than Friday, February 5th.

Practicum Student at Anchor Point – Ms. Michelle Tsai: Please join us in welcoming former Mole Hill Casa Directress, Ms. Michelle Tsai, back to our community! She’ll be at Anchor Point from January 25th to February 5th . Ms. Michelle, an AMI Primary trained teacher from the Montessori Training Centre of British Columbia is currently taking the Elementary Training at the Montessori Institute of San Diego and will be here for her practicum. The practice teaching experience is an important element of the Montessori Teacher Training. It ensures that each new generation of Montessori Elementary teachers has had the opportunity to develop understanding and insight into the practical and philosophical demands that accompany a career in Montessori Education. Ms. Michelle Tsai will be working with the children and presenting lessons under the guidance of Ms. Michelle and Ms. Silvia.

​Foundation Skills Assessment (FSAs): Our grade 4 and 7 students have begun practicing theFoundation Skills Assessment (FSA), a province-wide test assessing students on reading, writing and numeracy and will begin testing at the end of the month. A separate email has been sent home to grade 4 and 7 parents about this. Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Michelle should you have any further questions.

​​Attention! Anchor Point Montessori is now a NUT FREE facility. Please refrain from packing any nut containing products. Thank you for your understanding!


Coppelia – Wednesday, January 27th: The North Creek Kindergarten/Extended-Day students will be attending the Arts Umbrella Dance Company’s show Coppelia on Wednesday, January 27th2016. The show will be performed at the Roundhouse Community Centre’s theatre, located at 181 Roundhouse Mews (corner of Davie and Pacific). Students will watch the comic ballet originally choreographed by Arthur Saint-Léon to the music of Léo Delibes. We will be walking to the Roundhouse for this outing, departing from school promptly at 9:40am and returning to school in time for lunch. The show starts at 10:30am and is approximately 1 hour long. There is no cost for this event. Please check the weather on the day of the field trip and send your child to school with the appropriate clothing and footwear. Kindly submit the permission form in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front by Monday, January 25th.

Hamelin – Friday, February 19th: After the success of our winter play “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, the Anchor Point Elementary students as well as the Extended day and Kindergarten children will extend their appreciation of theatre arts by attending the Axis Theatre Company”s play, “Hamelin” at the Waterfront Theatre (1412 Cartwright Street) on Granville Island. This musical retelling of the “Pied Piper” promises to entertain us with live music, songs, puppetry, and delivers a strong message about the importance of “keeping your word”. We will be taking the Aqua bus for this field trip, departing from Anchor Point at 9:50am. The show is approximately 50 minutes long, and we will return to the classroom at 12pm. Please check the weather on the day of the field trip and send your child to school with the appropriate clothing and footwear. Students will be eating lunch in the classroom later than usual, so please feel free to pack an extra snack for your child for this outing. Kindly submit the permission form it no later than Friday, February 5th.

Emergency Cards – A gentle reminder to please return emergency cards along with a photo of your child as soon as possible!

​Montessori Practicum Students: Ms. Vicky Liu and Ms. Soma Keo from the Montessori Training Centre of BC completed their first assigned practicum session in the classrooms under the supervision of Ms. Julia and Ms. Priscilla. Their next practicum session will be from February 22 to March 4.

COMMUNITY NOTICES Wondering what to do with your family over the weekend? Check these out!

Winter Wander 2016 @ Vanier Park: This January bring your family down to Vanier Park for a day of music, science, history and art – plus, enjoy local food vendors, entertainment, and have the chance to win great prizes. This year’s Winter Wander will take place on January 23, 2016! For only $5 (children 5 and under are free) you can enjoy 5 attractions including:
– Museum of Vancouver
– H.R. MacMillan Space Centre
– Vancouver Maritime Museum
– Vancouver Academy of Music
– City of Vancouver Archives

ArtStarts – Saturday, January 30, 2016: Julie McIntyre’s printmaking workshop is designed for families to use basic equipment and ordinary materials around their homes to create professional prints. You’ll delight in capturing 2D impressions of 3D objects and the playfulness of the repeated, mirror image. Sessions start at 11am and 1pm and it’s free! No pre-registration necessary. ArtStarts on Saturdays is a monthly series for families, featuring free, fun, 45-minute arts workshops with some of the best children’s artists.

The Robson Square Ice Rink and Plaza on until February 28, 2016: The Government of British Columbia’s Robson Square Ice Rink, located in downtown Vancouver will remain open through the end of February. Skating is free if you bring your own skates. Otherwise, rentals are available. The rink also features a concession stand with snacks and warm drinks. Find more about this great opportunity here.

BodyWorlds, Animal Inside Out! @ Science World on until Monday, March 28, 2016: Body Worlds creator and anatomist, Dr Gunther von Hagens takes you on an anatomical safari with Animal Inside Out! As you explore this captivating exhibition, you will experience the intricate biology, zoology and physiology of a variety of the world’s most spectacular creatures. Animal Inside Out contains more than 100 specimens that have been painstakingly preserved by the remarkable process of Plastination, invented by Dr von Hagens. Students will be able to examine the anatomical intricacies of familiar and exotic animals like giraffes, camels and octopuses. This exhibition is an unforgettable way for students to learn about animal science.

CommonGround, An Exhibition of Young People’s Art on until Sunday, March 27, 2016: Common Ground is an exhibition featuring a variety of projects that present how students in schools across British Columbia explored their local landscape and its relationship with the people, animals and plants who live there. Dynamic environments and ecosystems became hubs for artistic investigations. Experiential learning provided opportunities for students to engage in diverse art forms such as drawing, weaving, felting, printmaking and embroidery. Students gained an enhanced understanding of native and invasive plant species as well as the animals that depend on them. They cultivated an appreciation of the relationships between natural resources and the traditions of local Aboriginal cultures that have maintained a strong connection to the land from ancestral times. ArtStarts Gallery is located at 808 Richards Street (at Robson) in downtown Vancouver. The ArtStarts Gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 4:30pm. Admission is free and all ages are welcome.

Friday, January 15, 2016

​Upcoming Important Dates to Remember
Wednesday, January 27th: Casa Community Parent Workshop & Family Literacy Day
Wednesday, January 27th: Casa Community Parent Workshop (RSVP needed)
Wednesday, January 27th: February Hot Lunch Orders Deadline
Thursday, January 28th: Elementary Community Parent Workshop (RSVP needed)
Friday, January 29th: PD Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Monday, February 8th: Family Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Thursday, February 11th: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra for Kindergarten and Lower Elementary
Friday, February 26th: PD Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)

Parent Workshop, Montessori Silent Journey of Discovery: Join s for our Montessori Silent Journey of Discovery! This is a special opportunity to interact in our classrooms as your children do – using the materials and practicing the lessons. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend both workshops:

Casa Community – Wednesday, January 27th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm
Elementary Community – Thursday, January 28th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm.
RSVPs were due today. If you haven’t done so, please RSVP as soon as possible specifying which Workshop(s) you would like to attend and refrain from bringing your child/ren to the above workshops. We will be offering childcare options combined with our After School Club Program. Details on this will be sent out to registered families. Please let us know if you are interested in having your child/ren join with Casa and/or Elementary Workshop on the subject line.

​HOT LUNCH for FEBRUARY & MARCH: The deadlines below must be followed without exception in order for Choices to organize themselves and deliver the correct number of lunches. There is, however, flexibility when ordering pizza. Please let us know by Thursday of any week for an upcoming Pizza Monday and we’ll be happy to add/modify your child’s/children’s orders. Kindly let us know if you are ordering a small (single slice) or a large (2 slices) ​for your child as well as the type he/she would like (pepperoni or mozzarella).

​Orders for February – Deadline: Wednesday, January 27th 4pm
Order for March – Deadline: Wednesday, February 24th  4pm


Elementary Robson Ice Rink Skating Lesson – Friday, January 22nd: The Anchor Point Elementary students grades 3-7 will be spending the afternoon at Vancouver’s only outdoor ice rink located at Robson Square. We will be visiting on Friday January 22nd, from 12:30pm – 2:00pm. Our class will also be given a 20 minute skating lesson at the beginning of the session. Ice rink instructors will be teaching the children basic skating skills and safety tips. We will be continuing with our regular day to day activities, just with an early lunch. Students are encouraged to bring their own skates and helmets if they own them. The ice rink will provide these for students without their own. Please check the weather on the day of the field trip and send your child to school with the appropriate clothing and footwear. There will be no cost to this field trip, however, please fill up and return the permission form in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on the front by Thursday, January 21st.

​Foundation Skills Assessment (FSAs): Our grade 4 and 7 students have begun practicing the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA), a province-wide test assessing students on reading, writing and numeracy and will begin testing by the end of the month. A separate email has been sent home to grade 4 and 7 parents about this. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions.

Physical Education Update  Our lessons are underway. Kindly drop off your child as follows:

Lower Elementary Group A **: Directly at the Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie Street) at 9:00AM. If this is inconvenient for your family, please drop off your child no later than 8:45am at Anchor Point and a teacher will walk with them to the Dance Centre.

** Kindly note that an email has been sent to the parents of children who make up this group.

Lower Elementary Group B: Regular drop off at Anchor Point (9:00am).

Upper Elementary: Karate lessons are scheduled for Tuesdays (4 weeks) from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Please send your child with appropriate clothes. We will be taking the bus to Denman Fitness, so if your child has a bus pass, please send it along as well.

​​Attention! Anchor Point Montessori is now a NUT FREE facility. Please refrain from packing any nut containing products. Thank you for your understanding!


Friday, January 22nd:  Make up Mandarin Lesson for Preschool and Ex-day Students: Ms. Lili, our Mandarin specialist teacher, was sick before winter break. This is a make up class scheduled for students who missed the lesson with her.

Emergency Cards:  A gentle reminder to please return emergency cards along with a photo of your child as soon as possible!

COMMUNITY NOTICES Wondering what to do with your family over the weekend? Check these out!

ArtStarts – Saturday, January 30, 2016: Julie McIntyre’s printmaking workshop is designed for families to use basic equipment and ordinary materials around their homes to create professional prints. You’ll delight in capturing 2D impressions of 3D objects and the playfulness of the repeated, mirror image. Sessions start at 11am and 1pm and it’s free! No pre-registration necessary. ArtStarts on Saturdays is a monthly series for families, featuring free, fun, 45-minute arts workshops with some of the best children’s artists.

The Robson Square Ice Rink and Plaza, Tuesday, December 1, 2015 – Sunday, February 28, 2016: The Government of British Columbia’s Robson Square Ice Rink, located in downtown Vancouver will remain open through the end of February. Skating is free if you bring your own skates. Otherwise, rentals are available. The rink also features a concession stand with snacks and warm drinks.

BodyWorlds – Animal Inside Out! @ Science World, Tuesday, November 3, 2015 – Monday, March 28, 2016: Body Worlds creator and anatomist, Dr Gunther von Hagens takes you on an anatomical safari with Animal Inside Out! As you explore this captivating exhibition, you will experience the intricate biology, zoology and physiology of a variety of the world’s most spectacular creatures. Animal Inside Out contains more than 100 specimens that have been painstakingly preserved by the remarkable process of Plastination, invented by Dr von Hagens. Students will be able to examine the anatomical intricacies of familiar and exotic animals like giraffes, camels and octopuses. This exhibition is an unforgettable way for students to learn about animal science.

CommonGround – An Exhibition of Young People’s Art Saturday, October 17, 2015 to Sunday, March 27, 2016: Common Ground is an exhibition featuring a variety of projects that present how students in schools across British Columbia explored their local landscape and its relationship with the people, animals and plants who live there. Dynamic environments and ecosystems became hubs for artistic investigations. Experiential learning provided opportunities for students to engage in diverse art forms such as drawing, weaving, felting, printmaking and embroidery. Students gained an enhanced understanding of native and invasive plant species as well as the animals that depend on them. They cultivated an appreciation of the relationships between natural resources and the traditions of local Aboriginal cultures that have maintained a strong connection to the land from ancestral times. ArtStarts Gallery is located at 808 Richards Street (at Robson) in downtown Vancouver. The ArtStarts Gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 4:30pm. Admission is free and all ages are welcome.