
Friday, February 19, 2016

Check out our Facebook posts this week on The Rise in Childhood Depression (correlated to the decline in free play), Grace & Courtesy Lessons plus enlightening videos about ocular-motor health and how it affects learning. We hope these will help you understand why we practice Montessori the way we do at LGMS – the way Maria Montessori intended!

Wishing all families a wonderful weekend,
The Staff at Lions Gate Montessori


Upcoming Dates to Remember
Wednesday, February 24 │ Join us for Pink Shirt Day!
Wednesday, February 24 │March Hot Lunch Due Orders due
Monday, February 22 │Sign-Ups for Anchor Point Student-led Conferences with Parents
Friday, February 26 │ PD Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Thursday, March 3 │ Upper Elementary Visit to Lulu Island
Friday, March 4 │ Annual Bake Sale for Tenzin in Nepal
March 7 – 10  │ Anchor Point Student-led Conferences with Parents
Friday, March 11 │ Elementary Science Fair
Monday, March 14 to Thursday, March 24 │ Spring Break (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Friday, March 25 │ Good Friday (Statutory Holiday – NO SCHOOL for Students)
Monday, March 28 │ Easter Monday (Statutory Holiday – NO SCHOOL for Students)
Tuesday, March 19 │ School resumes

SPCA’s National Cupcake Day  │Monday, February 29th: The BC SPCA is calling on everyone who loves animals and tasty treats to join Canada’s first-ever National Cupcake Day on February 29, 2016, in support of homeless, abused and injured animals in B.C. Click on the link above to find more information and donate online.

Meditation with Krista │ Wednesday, March 9th: Krista Love, mom of extended day student Finley Grennan Love, is offering an Introduction to Meditation to Lions Gate Montessori parents and caregivers on Wednesday, March 9, 6:00pm at North Creek. Krista has been practicing meditation for 16 years. She is a certified Lightwork Meditation teacher and has been teaching since 2002. In this one-hour session you will learn powerful visualization techniques you can use in everyday life. Topics included: quieting your mind, being centered, being grounded, etc. But why meditate? According to Krista, you open up a quieter, calmer inner space for yourself. You can see beyond the frantic, stressful details of everyday life and experience who you really are and what life is really about. Kick-start spring with some practical new ways to de-stress and get energized!

Hot Lunch│March: March’s hot lunch order is due on Wednesday, February 24. This deadline must be followed without exception in order for Choices to organize and deliver the correct number of lunches. There is, however, flexibility when ordering pizza. Please let us know by Thursday of any week for an upcoming Pizza Monday and we’ll be happy to add/modify your child’s/children’s orders. Kindly let us know if you are ordering a small (single slice) or a large (2 slices) for your child as well as the type he/she would like (pepperoni or mozzarella).

Gymnastics @ the Dance Centre Reminder: Kindly drop off your child directly at the Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie Street) at 9:00AM on the following dates: February 22nd, February 29th and March 7th. If this is inconvenient, please drop off your child no later than 8:45am at Anchor Point and a teacher will walk with them to the Dance Centre. Families who have not received an email alert about this should drop off their child at Anchor Point at the regular time.

Student-led Conferences│March 8th to 10th: Student-led conferences will take place from Monday, March 8th through Thursday, March 10th. Sign-ups will be posted this Monday, the 22. Students will be responsible for showing and explaining their work to their parents. Students are given the freedom to self-edit and self-assess the work they choose to present. They very much look forward to sharing them with their parents!

Upper Elementary Farm School │Thursday, March 3rd: Throughout the remainder of the school year, Upper Elementary students will be visiting the Farm School in Richmond. Visits will generally occur on Thursdays, but an alternative day may be chosen depending on other school activities and programs occurring during the week. As the weather is starting to warm, Mr. Lyle has begun these farm lessons. We have started with reviewing last year’s beginnings, including the past plantings and our bee hive. The students have now started on indoor seed plantings and orchard planning. The students are considering additional tree planting options and learning about life cycles within our agriculture world. We are excited to announce the first visit of the children on Thursday, March 3rd. Should you wish to have your child participate in these visits, please return the permission slip to the school by Monday, February 22nd 2016.

Tenzin’s Annual Bake Sale│Friday, March 4th: On March 4th, Friday, we are having a bake sale to help raise money for our foster child, Tenzin Choden’s school in Nepal. Please take a minute to look over Shree Mangal Dvip Schools website by clicking here . A dollar goes a very long way in Nepal, so every little bit that we can do would be a huge help. You’re invited to bring in some baked goods ready to sell, and drop them off at Anchor Point on the day of the sale. Let us know by email if you are planning on contributing so we can be prepared. If you’re not a baker, or would just rather eat the yummy treats, then send some money with your child/ren to purchase treats on the day of the sale! As a community, we will also be baking at school to support the sale. In addition to treats, we will also have some left over inventory of lip balm as well as dried fruits and nuts for sale! Baked goods always make people smile. Remember, you can buy them for your friends and neighbours too!

Science Fair│Friday, March 11th: We are excited to announce that the students have prepared a Science Fair to share some of their knowledge and work with you. The children organized themselves in teams,and research is underway! This is proving to be a wonderful experience throughout, from forming their own teams, agreeing on their topics, collecting information for their research, conducting experiments and putting everything together! They look forward to presenting their findings to Extended-day students and parents on Friday, March 11th, 2016 during our Science Fair. Keep your eyes open for further details!

Drop off Reminder: A gentle reminder that a successful day at school begins with timely arrivals as those who are tardy begin their days harried and often miss important lessons with their friends. Please note that our door opens at 8:45 am for arrival. Staff members are always here by 8:25am should you need to drop off your child earlier than 8:45am.

Please call us to let us know if your child will be late along with the approximate arrival time. This will allow our staff to listen for the doorbell so as to be able to greet your child and help him/her settle in. Kindly note that as staff members will be working with the students both indoors and out, they may not be available to open the door as soon as the bell is rung. Your patience is greatly appreciated if we are unable to get to respond immediately.

Labeling Reminder: A gentle reminder to label your child’s mittens, scarves, hats, coats, and shoes so that there is no mix up and items will less likely go missing. Thank you for your cooperation!

Sick Child Policy: This is a friendly reminder to parents to keep your child at home if he/she is sick or has signs of a fever, vomiting, and/or yellowish mucus. Your child needs to rest and recuperate before returning to school. Please refer to the Sick Policy included in the Parent Handbook (website sign-in required) for more information. Thank you!

Montessori Practicum Students: Ms. Vicky Liu from the Montessori Training Centre of BC completed her first assigned practicum session in the classrooms under the supervision of Ms. Julia. Her next practicum session will be from February 22 to March 4.

COMMUNITY NOTICES Wondering what to do with your family over the weekend? Check these out!

Free Self-Defense Class at Gracie Barra (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu): Gracie Barra is offering, at no cost, an opportunity for your kids to build unshakable confidence, make new friends and learn the most effective method of self defense in the world! Register your Kids in our GB Anti-Bullying Program by clicking on the link above. Its Free & Fun for Everyone! (Ages 3-14 ) Classes will be held Saturday February 27th 11AM and Friday March 4th 5PM.

Family Day @ the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art│ Saturdays until May 28, 2016: Bring your kids to the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art on Saturdays. Kids can explore exhibitions, take part in art discoveries and use interactive ‘Discovery’ tables where they (and you!) can participate and learn more about the amazing art in the gallery. Staff are on site to get young people started, and keep them going, as they explore the world of Canadian art. Event Dates: Weekly on Saturday until Saturday May 28, 2016.


Friday, February 12, 2016


This week was filled with exciting experiences for the children! Our Extended-day, Kindergarten and Lower Elementary children had the opportunity to visit the Orpheum where they attended the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra’s “Magnificent Melodies” show. They learned about the musical elements that make a melody magnificent through the works of master orchestral composers including Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Wagner, and Ravel.

Anchor Point students also celebrated the joy of friendships with their traditional Valentine’s Day Box Exchange. All were excited to present their carefully crafted boxes to their “secret” friend, and everyone was pleased with their one they received! They were also treated to a special Mexican lunch sponsored by the Wang family with food from Salsa Agave. What a way to kick off the Valentine weekend!

Wishing all families a very happy Valentine’s weekend,
The Staff at Lions Gate Montessori

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Friday, February 19 │ Hamelin Play (Extended-day, Kindergarten and Elementary)
Wednesday, February 24 │ Join us for Pink Shirt Day!
Wednesday, February 24 │March Hot Lunch Due Orders due
Friday, February 26 │ PD Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)s.

Hot Lunch│March: March’s hot lunch order is due on Wednesday, February 24. This deadline must be followed without exception in order for Choices to organize themselves and deliver the correct number of lunches. There is, however, flexibility when ordering pizza. Please let us know by Thursday of any week for an upcoming Pizza Monday and we’ll be happy to add/modify your child’s/children’s orders. Kindly let us know if you are ordering a small (single slice) or a large (2 slices) for your child as well as the type he/she would like (pepperoni or mozzarella).

Drop Off Reminder: A gentle reminder that a successful day at school often begins with timely arrivals to school as those who are tardy begin their days harried and often miss important lessons with their friends. Please note that our door opens at 8:45 am for arrival. Staff members are always here by 8:25am should you need to drop off your child earlier than 8:45am.

Please call us to let us know if your child will be late along with the approximate arrival time. This will allow our staff to listen for the doorbell so as to be able to greet your child and help him/her settle in. Kindly note that as staff members will be working with the students both indoors and out, they may not be available to open the door as soon as the bell is rung. Your patience is greatly appreciated if we are unable to get to respond immediately.

Exercise is now offered first thing in the morning as we have noticed from our morning gym and karate classes that this yields great benefit for some students. As such, students will now have a choice of taking their outdoor time in the morning (from 9:00-9:30 am) or, as usual, in the afternoon. This also provides a great opportunity for children to bond and socialize with their friends early in the morning.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Physical Education Update: Upper Elementary Group B’s gymnastic lessons are underway! If you got an email stating that your child belongs to that group (sent last week), kindly drop off your child directly at the Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie Street) at 9:00AM on the following dates: February 22nd, February 29th and March 7th. If this is inconvenient, please drop off your child no later than 8:45am at Anchor Point and a teacher will walk with them to the Dance Centre. Families who have not received an email alert about this should drop off their child at Anchor Point at the regular time.

Students have been participating in organized group activities and games every Thursday afternoon as part of our Physical Education curriculum. This term we’ve enjoyed some exciting dodge ball and California kickball games. These activities help students develop their sportsmanship and teamwork skills while refining their gross motor abilities. To ensure your child’s comfort and safety, please send your child to school on Thursdays dressed appropriately for these activities (running shoes and activewear). Students may also keep a set of PE attire (running shoes and activewear) at school for their convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

Upper Elementary│Puberty Lessons: Permission forms are now overdue for this. Students in grades 4-7 have the opportunity to learn about the natural stages of development that are part of their transformation from children to adults. If your child is part of our grades 4-7, please submit the permission form at your earliest convenience.

Hamelin│Friday, February 19th: Permission slips and payment for this field trip are now overdue. Please let us know if your child is still planning to attend if you haven’t done so already.

Upper Elementary Farm School │Thursday, March 3rd: Throughout the remainder of the school year, Upper Elementary students will be visiting the Farm School in Richmond. Visits will generally occur on Thursdays, but an alternative day may be chosen depending on other school activities and programs occurring during the week. As the weather is starting to warm, Mr. Lyle has begun these farm lessons. We have started with reviewing last year’s beginnings, including the past plantings and our bee hive. The students will now be starting with indoor seed starts and orchard planning. The students will be considering additional tree planting options and will learn about life cycles within our agriculture world. We are excited to announce the first visit of the children on Thursday, March 3rd. Please check off indicating box on the permission slip and return it signed back to the school by Monday, February 22nd 2016 should you wish for your child to participate.

Sick Child Policy: This is a friendly reminder to parents to keep your child at home if he/she is sick or has signs of a fever, vomiting, and/or yellowish mucus. Your child needs to rest and recuperate before returning to school. Please refer to the Sick Policy included in the Parent Handbook (website sign-in required) for more information. Thank you!

Hearing Screening│Wednesday, February 17th, 9:30am: Hearing screening is scheduled for Kindergarten students.

Hamelin│Friday, February 19th: Permission slips and payment for this field trip are now overdue. Please let us know if your child is still planning to attend if you haven’t done so already.

Emergency Cards: A gentle reminder to please return emergency cards along with a photo of your child. This is quite important from a safety point of view so please bring these in as soon as possible!

Montessori Practicum Students: Ms. Vicky Liu and Ms. Soma Keo from the Montessori Training Centre of BC completed their first assigned practicum session in the classrooms under the supervision of Ms. Julia and Ms. Priscilla. Their next practicum session will be from February 22 to March 4.

COMMUNITY NOTICES Wondering what to do with your family over the weekend? Check these out!

Family Day @ the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art│ Saturdays until May 28, 2016: Bring your kids to the Gordon Smith Gallery of Canadian Art on Saturdays. Kids can explore exhibitions, take part in art discoveries and use interactive ‘Discovery’ tables where they (and you!) can participate and learn more about the amazing art in the gallery. Staff are on site to get young people started, and keep them going, as they explore the world of Canadian art. Event Dates: Weekly on Saturday until Saturday May 28, 2016.

RobsonSquare Ice Rink and Plaza│Tuesday, December 1, 2015 – Sunday, February 28, 2016: The Government of British Columbia’s Robson Square Ice Rink, located in downtown Vancouver, will remain open through the end of February. Skating is free if you bring your own skates. Otherwise, rentals are available. The rink also features a concession stand with snacks and warm drinks.

BodyWorlds–Animal Inside Out! @ Science World │to Monday, March 28, 2016: Body Worlds creator and anatomist, Dr Gunther von Hagens takes you on an anatomical safari with Animal Inside Out! As you explore this captivating exhibition, you will experience the intricate biology, zoology and physiology of a variety of the world’s most spectacular creatures. Animal Inside Out contains more than 100 specimens that have been painstakingly preserved by the remarkable process of Plastination, invented by Dr von Hagens. Students will be able to examine the anatomical intricacies of familiar and exotic animals like giraffes, camels and octopuses. This exhibition is an unforgettable way for students to learn about animal science.

CommonGround:An Exhibition of Young People’s Art │to Sunday, March 27, 2016: Common Ground is an exhibition featuring a variety of projects that present how students in schools across British Columbia explored their local landscape and its relationship with the people, animals and plants who live there. Dynamic environments and ecosystems became hubs for artistic investigations. Experiential learning provided opportunities for students to engage in diverse art forms such as drawing, weaving, felting, printmaking and embroidery. Students gained an enhanced understanding of native and invasive plant species as well as the animals that depend on them. They cultivated an appreciation of the relationships between natural resources and the traditions of local Aboriginal cultures that have maintained a strong connection to the land from ancestral times. ArtStarts Gallery is located at 808 Richards Street (at Robson) in downtown Vancouver. The ArtStarts Gallery is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 4:30pm. Admission is free and all ages are welcome.