
Friday, June 6, 2020 Memo

Dear Parents,

It was wonderful having many of our students return on-site this week! We were astounded by how they matured during these past couple of months away. While it is a challenge to present lessons both on-site and online simultaneously, we are happy to make that effort to ensure that all families feel comfortable as we navigate the next stage in our community’s Stage 3 re-opening here in BC.

Invitations to sign-up for next week’s Parent/Teacher Conferences have been sent out. Unfortunately, only parents with google accounts are able to access the online sign-up site. If you did not receive an invitation, please let us know. You may also sign up directly on our Transparent Classroom home page.

Summer Enrollments have been sent out to families who had indicated an interest in our Summer Program. If you would like your child to attend but did not receive a form, please let us know.

Warm thanks to everyone for supporting our Hand Sanitizer Fundraiser! The cost of the Juniper & Citrus Hand Sanitizer is $15 per 500 ml bottle. Please pass this on to your friends, co-workers, or others in need of hand sanitizer as well.

The sanitizer, as well as this year’s school Yearbook, are both available for purchase through our munchalunch site. Please log-in to create an account if you haven’t done so yet. For parents wishing to order yearbooks and/or hand sanitizer, Munchalunch will go offline effective June 23 for the summer. The last online payment must be made by June 23rd midnight in order to be processed. Please get your orders in as soon as possible.

Thank you and have a great weekend,
Riza Weinstein and the Staff at Lions Gate Montessori

Monday, June 8 I Upper Els I Human Body Checklist Due
Monday, June 8 I French group 2: Cooking “Crêpes”!
Friday, June 12 I Parent/Teacher Conference via ZOOM
Monday, June 15 I Upper Elementary Virtual Graduation & Talent Show
Thursday, June 18 I Beach Day for on site students, please see note below
* Upper El Math assignments are due every week on Tuesday morning.

Anchor Point Beach Day
Thursday, June 18 I Beach Day for on site students: Students will spend the morning at the beach to celebrate the end of the school year. Please make sure your child brings a beach towel as well as sunscreen and a sun hat if needed. They can also bring a snack to eat at the beach.

Spring Break Back to School Memo

A BIG THANK YOU to families and staff for your bright smiles and extraordinary patience during our online start-up week! It’s been heartwarming to receive so many wishes of support as well as tips and feedback on how to improve on our online experience!

It was certainly quite adventurous – especially on Friday morning when ZOOM suddenly implemented new security protocols while we were just starting classes! We have been working quite hard as there have been yet more changes in our particular zooming world. We have upgraded our hardware and network capacity, with one additional network capacity increase scheduled for 8 am Monday at North Creek.

We miss seeing everyone in person but being online also has its advantages! We hope that being able to connect while in self-isolation has helped to provide you and your child(ren) with a sense of our very real community. One family was even able to return back to school while currently residing in Turkey – and our Lower Elementary students have already “visited” Istanbul! We are planning some exciting events with outside guest presentations as soon as we have “field-tested” these latest changes…

Please check your emails daily for your Zoom entrance links! We look forward to seeing all the smiling faces once again to begin the next step in our online education adventure!

Thank you for your ongoing support!