As part of their civic and history studies, students held elections for their class council representatives and participated in lessons exploring Canada’s past, including the meaning of truth and reconciliation. AP2 students also visited the residential school memorial at the Vancouver Art Gallery. There, they took a moment of silence to reflect and show our respect towards all the First Nations children whose lives were taken as well as the generations that continue to be affected by our country’s past actions. So proud of how students were able to express meaningful support through empathy and compassion!
2022/2023 Back To School
We look forward to seeing everyone back at school this September! Returning preschool and elementary students will start on the 6th and new preschoolers will start on the 7th. Please check your individual emails for details!
FORMS Please look for a notification to fill out our school’s Background & Health as well as Permissions forms. Our teachers will reach out should we have any questions. Please let us know if they need updating when there’s a change in information during the school term.
EXTRA CLOTHING & INDOOR SHOES Please bring a complete change of labeled clothing in a large Ziploc bag and a pair of non-slip runners (NO SLIPPERS) for inside use with your child’s name clearly marked on all items to the school on the Meet & Greet, September 1st. These are to be left at the school.
SNACK The school provides communal snacks (organic fruits and vegetables wherever possible) and school plates/utensils as part of their communal Practical Life activities but families are welcome to send children with their own.
WATER BOTTLES Please send your child to school with his own water bottle (name clearly labeled).
WEBSITE AND TRANSPARENT CLASSROOM INFORMATION You will receive notifications for reminders, updates, and pertinent forms by email, which will also be displayed on your child’s Transparent Classroom Home Page under “Announcements”. Go to “Events” to view upcoming activities and holidays and “School Info” to access pertinent school information. Please don’t hesitate to email us if you have trouble signing in. You can also view our students’ current and past public activities as well as articles on child development and education on our Facebook and Years in Review pages.
Although the province has lifted COVID restrictions, our school will remain vigilant in ensuring that our school complies with the BCCDC’s guidelines, including the following:
HAND HYGIENE This is incorporated into our daily routines and schedule (eg. washing/sanitizing hands upon entering facilities, washing hands before and after the use of communal materials, wiping down desks, regular hand washing reminders, and the like). Rigorous handwashing with plain soap and water or the use of sanitizer is required for all students upon entering the school. North Creek is equipped with 6 sinks and Anchor Point with 7. Hand sanitizers are placed in every room, enabling easy and accessible hand hygiene practices. Note that hand sanitizers (due to alcohol content and other ingredients) are used under the supervision of adults, and are not easily accessible within children’s reach. The guidelines from the BCCDC recommend using soap and water, and hand sanitizer is used if soap and water are not available.
DAILY HEALTH SCREENING As per the school’s Communicable Disease Plan, parents are required to screen children daily for the common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other communicable diseases prior to sending their child to school. The school’s Transparent Classroom platform has a Distance Drop-off feature that allows parents to answer these screening questions at home and submit them prior to or at drop-off. Students with a yes answer to symptoms that are not related to pre-existing conditions (eg. running nose due to seasonal allergies, etc.) will not be able to attend school. All students will also be given visual checks at the door by teachers. Those who show symptoms at the visual check will not be able to enter.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you back this September!