What an eventful year! In addition to our regular activities, outings, and productions, elementary students in grades 3 and up attended an overnight adventure at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre – the first elementary school group to ever join their program.
Upper elementary students also resumed their biannual participation at the Montessori Model United Nations program in New York City this year representing Bhutan and Ukraine. Much fun was also had enjoying the sights and sounds of the Big Apple! Congratulations to all our participating students for all their hard work and successes. This year, LGMS students Giorgio and Yuffie were elected by their peers to present final committee resolutions at the conference’s Closing Ceremony – bravo!
Warmest thanks to all our staff, families, and especially students for year of joyful discovery and accomplishments!
A fun and education year was had as we continued to engage with our “beyond the four walls” ethos along with the experiential learning that is key to Montessori education. Highlights include an overnight adventure to Camp Fircom, and the producing an original script for our “Gift Horse” year-end play.
Thank you to all members of our community for contribution to a delightful year!
The school year began with much restrictions but ended full of joyful re-engagement with friends, families, and such activities as:
- Oceans Rhythm Art and Drumming Experience
- Upper Elementary Loon Lake Overnight Adventure
- Winter Craft Fair and Performance
- Reel2Real Film Festival and Workshop
- Visit to Britannia Mine Museum
- ‘Adventures in Wonderland’ Performance
Heartfelt thanks to our students, families and staff for contributing their unique strokes of genius to help us paint a most memorable year!
Our local and global community continued to meet the challenges and restrictions for the bulk of the year, we managed to reach beyond those limitations with virtual visits.
This year, Upper Elementary students Gabriela and Scarlett organized a “Snow Ball” gala featuring parent speakers and alumni students. Parents enlightened our elementary students on what inspired them to work in the fields of research, entertainment, diplomacy, and medicine. Graduates of Anchor Point, Tallulah and Ruochen also spoke to students on transitioning to and experiencing high school life. And in lieu of our annual Winter Performance, Upper Elementary students directed, acted, and produced their first film!
Highlights from this past year included the following virtual visits:
- with Senator Yuen Pau Woo
- to East Tennessee State University’s Gray Fossil Site & Museum
- to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab
- with Lakota elder Kim Soo Goodtrack (Dream Catcher and Indigenous workshop)
- with author, Dr. Joe Parent (A Walk in the Wood reading with parents and children)
We even managed to attend a couple of on-site visits – kicking off the year with our annual pumpkin patch visit to Westham Island Herb Farm and capping it off with a program at Grouse Mountain!
Seeing our students’ joyful faces in the midst of challenging times reminds me of these words from Dr. Maria Montessori, “What we need is a world full of miracles, like the miracle of seeing the young child seeking work and independence, and manifesting a wealth of enthusiasm and love.”
When our first classroom was established over 20 years ago, our mission was to manifest Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision of providing a safe, nurturing, and joyful environment for children to develop to their fullest potential. I chose the words “To Reach Beyond” for the school’s motto to reflect my greatest hope for our students – that they would pursue knowledge, skills, and goals beyond the boundaries of conventional education models.
This year our BC Science Games team members, Aaron, Felix, Olive, and Saba reached beyond expectations and received not one but two prizes – besting their last year’s accomplishment as the “Most Creative Team!”
Our students also produced another fabulous school-wide Winter Performance production of “Snow White” – updated to reflect contemporary sensibilities. Bravo to all our performers!
These unprecedented times have required us to make adjustments in how we live and learn. Although challenging at first, the transition to remote learning and the implementation of new routines have been adapted with more ease than expected – much of it due to the great resiliency and willingness to adapt on the part of our staff and families – a true testament of what it means to reach beyond.
With thanks to all our staff, families, and most of all our students, we managed to get through the school year together engaged in our communal educational journey reaching truly beyond the four walls of our classrooms!
It’s amazing to reflect that 20 years ago, in February of 1999, Mole Hill Montessori opened its first Casa classroom on Thurlow Street with 2 students. What a delight to be part of this ongoing journey of experiencing the wonders of human potential beginning with students from 30 months of age! Some students have participated in only the Casa program while others have stayed with us through Grade 9. The connection with students and families is always deep and rewarding. The staff and I are filled with joy whenever we see our students, from when they arrive at school for the first time through alumni visits and every time in between. This year, one even joined us as a chaperone on our trip to Italy!
In addition to the everyday extraordinary accomplishments of the students in our classrooms, students enjoyed workshops by UBC Engineering Students, Filmmakers and outings to Grouse Mountain, the VSO, museums, and galleries. There were several notable highlights: Lower Elementary students participated in the BC Science Games and walked away with the “Most Creative Team” prize; Upper Elementary journeyed to Italy to participate in the Montessori Model United Nations Conference in Rome, and also visited Sorrento, Capri, and Pompeii; Lastly, thanks to Moya O’Connell, we staged our first ever school-wide adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream
In the Montessori environment, each student is recognized for their own individual contributions – sometimes with great fanfare and sometimes with quiet acknowledgement. As we look back on this particular year, let’s applaud all their efforts and give a cheer to:
– The students who show up every day to make independent work choices. This will, no doubt, enable them to develop to their greatest potential as individuals in society while remembering that the ability to think and act for themselves is the best shield against the dangers of blind conformity.
– The students who sincerely try to grasp difficult subject matters with their best efforts. Just knowing they have the tenacity to keep on trying without the expectation of external rewards is a testament to their character, the measure of their basic goodness as a human being.
– The students who are steadfast friends, recognizing that loyal friendship is a treasure.
– The quiet readers who immerse themselves in the world of words, collecting a storehouse of ideas. I’m confident that one day, they too, will light up the world with their own gifts of colloquy.
– To all the daydreamers, may their dreams take them far and wide to undiscovered realms where some of our best ideas and thoughts reside.
Thank you for entrusting your child to us and joining us in helping your children remember that life isn’t a contest. Let’s help them appreciate themselves for the unique beings that they are. With all our support, there is no doubt they will discover for themselves their own self-worth.
Year in Review 1819 from Lions Gate Montessori on Vimeo.
When children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength.” – Maria Montessori
Casa and elementary students enjoyed a wide variety of experiences this year in and out of the classroom. We kicked off the year making our own apple cider from apples picked at Thrangu Monastery’s orchard followed by our annual community Pumpkin Pick. Students also visited Grouse Mountain, the Contemporary Art Gallery, Cleveland Dam, the Aquarium, and Beaty Museum as well as participated in science, mining, and film-making workshops with “Geering Up”, “Minerals Ed”, and “Reel2Real”. Warmest thanks as well to our parents for sharing their hobbies and careers with our students
In addition to the above activities, students also engaged in serving their communities by cleaning up their local beach, participating in “Bike-to-School” week, and raising funds for the Terry Fox as well as the Heart and Stroke foundations.
Inspired by the work of Canadian artist, Ted Harrison and Chinese Brushwork, students collaborated on paintings, which were auctioned off at our “Home is Where the Art Is” Talent & Art Show. Funds raised are allocated for student enrichment such as field trips and workshops
Check out our student’s artwork and other video highlights below!
North Creek 2017-2018 from Lions Gate Montessori on Vimeo.
North Creek Montessori Mother’s Day 2018 from Lions Gate Montessori on Vimeo.
LGMS May 2018 Mother’s Day @ Anchor Point from Lions Gate Montessori on Vimeo.
UE Overnight Adventure June 2018 from Lions Gate Montessori on Vimeo.
Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it is raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and when the grass of the meadows is wet with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet; let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath its shade; let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning. – Maria Montessori
What a full and fulfilling year it’s been! As part of our regular, rigorous Montessori program, students, especially those in elementary, participated in a variety of field trips near and far including our biennial participation at the Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN) conference in New York City and hosted a slew of community visitors for in-class presentations.
In New York, students enjoyed exploring Times Square and visiting the Metropolitan Museum, Statue of LIberty (and Ellis Island), the Hayden Planetarium, and American Museum of Natural History where they participated in a workshop at the Sackler Educational Laboratory on DNA.

As part of our “Beyond the Four Walls” philosophy, students regularly spend time exploring the outdoors at our local parks and beaches. This year, they also embarked on visits to the Port of Vancouver, Art Gallery (Picasso Exhibit), Vancouver Symphony, Science World, the HR MacMillan Space Centre as well as UBC’s Museum of Anthropology and TRIUMF facility and participated in BC Court, Reel2Reel Film and Mini Police Academy workshops.

In addition to participating in annual Thanksgiving and Winter festivities, students reached out to raise funds and collected donations for our Terry Fox Run, WeDay charities, and Covenant House, a shelter for our city’s homeless youth. In-class highlights included presentations on off-the-grid living, metallurgy and blacksmithing, medical health, biomedical engineering and the plight of refugees.

With thanks to our dedicated parent community and staff, a fun and enriching year was had by all!
– Riza Weinstein
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” – Aristotle (384-322, BC)
We enjoyed another school year filled with projects and activities! This year, we stayed close to home and focused on the exploration of local sites with visits to City Hall, Main Library, Vancouver Art Gallery, Contemporary Art Gallery, the symphony, CBC studio, Burnaby Village, and the UBC Botanical Gardens, while working on in-school projects (Artist-in-Residence workshop, Canada: From A to Z and BC history books, Painted Ladies Butterflies, Ruth Stout permaculture).
We kicked off the year with students enjoying festivities hosted by WeDay. All students enjoyed an aspect of the WeDay experience! Younger students attended a concert by the Kenyan Boys Choir the day before the big event while Upper Elementary students participated in full-day celebration – some were even guests at the pre-WeDay cocktail party held the night before. Our students were inspired by all the wonderful, charitable works done the presenters, and came away with even more ideas on how to contribute to making our world a better place!
The federal election this past school term opened the doors for more in-depth study of civics, government, and politics. They enjoyed visits with the police with an emphasis on local issues and participated in a seminar on international affairs with Brazilian Deputy Consul, Gustavo Barbosa,
We wrapped up our first term with another success Winter Performance and Craft Fair. The students outdid themselves once again with their adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Upon our return back from Winter Break, elementary students embarked on their first self-publishing endeavour – the creation of our school’s very first book based on artwork inspired by words relevant to our Canadian heritage: Canada from A To Z. The whole project was made possible by a generous and much-appreciated grant from ArtStarts, which enabled us to hold a week-long painting workshop with Aboriginal artist Kim Soo Goodtrack. Students were paired up to conceive and paint an image of their chosen word for each letter of the alphabet. The beautiful book came together with special thanks to Katie Reynolds (mom to Mina) for her graphic and layout work as well as Tony Pantages (dad to Tallulah and Spiro) for photography. Senior students also completed a book on The Beginning of British Columbia. Each student took home their own printed copy and gifted the original a hand-bound version as a legacy for their younger peers at Anchor Point.
On behalf of all our staff, I’d like to extend warm thanks to all families for entrusting your children to our care and sharing their journey with us. Heartfelt thanks as well to our Parent Support Group executives as well as our many other parent volunteers. Your steadfast dedication to the school, its vision and mission have been invaluable!
A joyful summer filled with delight to all,
Riza Weinstein
2014 – 2015
“There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
What a year this had been! Amidst the many transitions affecting all our facilities, we managed to miraculously sail through the end of the school year with joyful discoveries. This could only have happened with the wonderful support of our whole community. I’d like to express warm thanks to all our parent volunteers, with special, heartfelt thanks to the Parent Support Group Executive led by President Katherine McCoy, Vice-President Jennifer Trushel-Thomson, Treasurer Miranda Wong, Secretary Sandra Yee, Past-President Marijke Wortman and Members-at-Large Katie Reynolds, Helen Ghabel and Linh Quinn. With their steadfast support and commitment, we have been able to provide not only enrichment activities and childcare services for our own students and families but also to extend aid to those in need near (Covenant House, BC Children’s Hospital Foundation) and far (Nepal Earthquake victims).
In addition to their annual visits to the pumpkin patch, Vancouver Symphony and neighbourhood art galleries, our students were able to participate in another year of educational adventures filled with visits out and visits in (see Speakers in the House! blog post.) The cost for most of these events was supplemented by the students’ own enrichment funds (monies raised from bake sales, Winter Craft Fair, Art Auction, etc.). This, as well as support from the PSG, greatly reduced fees paid by students and their families to attend the outings.

Our students kicked off the year with a Halloween Day trip to the Capilano Salmon Hatchery where they learned about the fascinating life cycle of the salmon, and hiked the park with Outdoor Educational guide, Mr Jay. At the park, our students learned skills that may have been instrumental in helping early settlers survive such as how make fire from moss and dried grass as well as how to fashion strings and bows. Upper Elementary students extended their appreciation for the wilderness and sustainable living while touring the YVR (Vancouver Airport): They were shown general airport operations and were informed about the airport’s Wildlife Management Program.
Prior to going off for March Break, Lower, Upper and Adolescent students ventured off to Victoria where they spent the day exploring exhibits at the Royal BC Museum followed by a tour of our province’s Legislative Assembly Parliament Buildings. With warmest thanks to Cairo’s mom, Katia Oteman, they had the rare opportunity to meet with MLA Rob Fleming who provided them with an introduction of the workings of government at the provincial level as well as the responsibilities of being a member of the Legislative Assembly.
Upon returning from Spring Break, Upper Elementary and Adolescent students once again attended the Montessori Model United Nations Conference in New York City, which included extended travel to Philadelphia and Washington DC. Upon their return, students participated in a variety of outings including the Reel2Real Youth Film Festival, Science World’s Neuro Adventure, Beaty Diversity Museum, the HR MacMillan Space Centre, and the Richmond Oval where they treated to a special skating performance by Olympic Silver Medalist, Patrick Chan (made possible with warm thanks to parent, Linh Quinn).
The strength of a community is often tested in times of adversity. When the earthquake in Nepal struck, and nearly destroyed our adopted foster child’s home and school, we rallied to raise over $1,200 at our impromptu bake sale. When leukemia struck one of our young students, our community came together to dedicate our fundraising efforts in her name: Despite our small school size of just over 130 families, we managed to be one of the top fundraising teams, raising over $10,600 at the BC Children’s Hospital Childrun.

As another school year comes to a close, we, inevitably, must bid warm farewells. The staff and I would like to offer all those students and families who are moving on only our best wishes for joy and success in your future endeavours. Several students will be moving on after being with us for many, many years, from pre-school up to grades 7, 8 and 9. It has been a privilege and honour to share their educational journey as well as to see them blossom into young adults. Their maturity was on full display during our MMUN trip, where they took on helping the adults and the younger participants with grace, courtesy, and kindness. We wish them only joy and success in whatever directions they may travel. Nathan, Avery, Emma, Scott, and Ariana – We simply can’t thank your parents enough for the opportunity to be a part of your lives. Always remember that you and your families remain a part of the LGMS community, wherever you may be. We look forward to your returning to regale us with tales of your new adventures and accomplishments!
Thank you, one and all, for supporting, nurturing, and being our community!
Riza Weinstein
2013 – 2014
“The aim [of education] must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals who, however, see in the service to the community their highest life problem.” —Albert Einstein

It’s been a pleasure sharing our lives as members of our Lions Gate Montessori community. We often use the term “community” to describe our school because the vision Dr Montessori ascribed to education was a holistic one. It is a vision that is directed towards helping children blossom to their fullest potential in all aspects of their lives, not only for their own benefit, but as contributing members of their community.

This past 2013/2014 school year, our adolescent students paved the way, showing us how great things can be accomplished when individuals choose to act on behalf of a greater whole. They did this, literally, from the ground up. Their work on our farm site resulted in the sharing of fruits, vegetables, and honey. With the help and support of all students, the Winter Fair, Pizza Wednesdays, Tasty Tuesdays and Bake Sales led by our adolescents resulted in helping supplement field trip expenses and other events for the entire school community.

Supervied by Ms Christine, the adolescents also took the lead this year in the publishing of our 2013/2014 yearbook. Our school yearbooks began as a little piece of memorabilia. It was presented in a personalized, handmade form to our first set of third-year kindergarten graduates at Mole Hill fourteen years ago. Teachers at both primary facilities continue this tradition to this day! In 2008, to commemorate the completion of her first year as elementary teacher, Ms. Wilson expanded on the personal yearbook idea and made a class yearbook with her students. The next year, the Parent Support Group led by Ms. L. Quinn took over the project, producing the yearbook in the form we know and love today. With heartfelt thanks to Ms. T. Sullivan (yearbook designer for the past three years), the students were handed over a beautiful template to learn and work from. The project has now come full circle back into the hands of the students led by Avery Q. and Nathan W. – this time, no longer working on an individual keepsake, but one that is for the whole community!
Our eight-day trip to Arches, Mesa Verde and Grand Canyon National Parks was an adventure beyond expectations! We whitewater rafted on the Colorado River, explored ancient ruins of the ancestral Pueblos, and peered through nearly two billion years of geological history at the Grand Canyon. Fundraising support from the whole community made this excursion an affordable reality for our students.

According to Dr Montessori, education first and foremost must be experiential: The lessons learned in our daily interactions and exploration beyond the four walls of our classrooms are just as, if not more, important than mere academics. The students’ tenacity and resilience in dealing with challenges never fail to impress and inspire. Their natural ability to live each day beginning with a fresh start and open heart is one of the greatest lessons learned within our Montessori community.
The past year’s experiences continue to enrich the robust activities already in place, and provides inspiration for us to reach even further beyond!
– Riza Weinstein